Imbolc - When the Earth Awakens

Imbolc - When the Earth Awakens

While many are celebrating January 1st as the New Year's Day, along with new resolutions and fresh starts, for most of us Pagans the actual time of renewal begins only now. As the weather gradually starts to get warmer and tiny blooms and wild garlic can be spotted through the snow, we are advancing towards our next Greater Sabbat on February 1st - Imbolc.

Imbolc Lambing Season

The celebration of Imbolc stems from the Celtic world, where it marked the start of lambing season and is also referred to as Brigid's Day.
Goddess Brigid is part of the Celtic pantheon and rules the fire of the hearth and brings fertility and growth after the long, cold winter months. We celebrate the Sabbat from sundown on February 1st until Sundown on February 2nd.

This time is perfect for a good ole' spring-cleaning! Let go of anything that doesn't serve you! Shake off the moodiness and lethargy that the dark time of the year brought along! Give in to the fire of creativity that Brigid stirs in your heart and map out the activities that you would like to include into your every day life and practice!

How can you celebrate Imbolc?

Most of the rituals and spells around Imbolc are centered around cleansing, fertility and fresh growth

Brigids Cross

Rituals during Imbolc 

  • Make a Brigid's Cross or Solar Wheel out of reeds, straw or thin, flexible branches. Instructions can be found here. While weaving your cross, embed it with your intentions for protection and growth.
  • Similar to the Brigid's Cross, you can make a Brigid's Doll out of grass or straw to bring protection to your home
  • Do a literal spring-cleaning. Clean your home, your altar, your closet. Let go of old items and thoughts, and sweep the stagnant energy right off your doorstep.
  • Imbolc is also a great time for initiation rites, in case you are planning to join a coven or to self-initiate as a new witch.
  • Plant seeds in your herb garden, getting everything ready for a season of growth.
  • Take a cleansing bath to wash away old thoughts and habits. Add in some milk, which is not only great for the skin but also symbolizes this time of the year when cattle started to give milk again.

How to decorate your altar (and house) on Imbolc

  • Of course, you can leave your Brigid's Cross or Doll on your altar until the end of Imbolc, then bury it or burn it for good luck
  • Early spring flowers such as daffodils or snowdrops
  • Anything sheep related, wool, figurines, etc
  • milk & oatcakes as the traditional food of the season
  • Crystals to use around Imbolc are: Amethyst (supporting decision-making & transformations); Peridot (releasing guilt & past burdens); Sunstone (in honor of Brigid, fiery energy); Clear Quartz (Gratitude, Cleansing)
  • As far as candles go for Imbolc, you should use white, gold, yellow and green candles

"The seed I planted in the earth
Will slumber 'neath the snow.
And many days will come and pass
Before I see it grow.

But when the harvest-time has come
And crops are gathered in
I'll breathe a quiet prayer of thanks
That I chose to begin."

Blessed be!

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