Ostara - A Time for Renewal & Rebirth

Ostara - A Time for Renewal & Rebirth

Hey witch-friends! As I'm typing these words to you, the sun is warming my face and the heavy smell of apple blossoms is in the air (thanks to the Mediterranean climate). Here in the Northern Hemisphere, spring is slowly creeping in. I feel lighter already after the darkness of the past months.

With this in mind, I'm here today to share with you some ideas on celebrating Ostara - the Spring Equinox. It is a time of year that is marking the beginning of spring and the renewal of life. Whether you're an experienced practitioner of Paganism or just someone looking to learn more about this fascinating holiday, I hope you will find this inspiring.

Ostara painted dyed eggs

Ostara is an ancient Pagan festival that is celebrated on the spring equinox, which falls on March 20th or 21st each year (in the Northern Hemisphere). It is named after the Germanic goddess Eostre, who is associated with fertility and new beginnings. The equinox means, that night and day are exactly the same length and from now on, the light will be stronger than the dark. The holiday has been celebrated in various forms throughout history, including by the ancient Greeks and Romans, who honored their respective deities of spring.

For myself, Ostara holds a very special place in my heart. With the Spring Equinox, I honor the birth of my own Pagan path. Ready for a mini story time? A few years ago, while scrolling through one of the various social media apps, I came across a post outlining the celebration of Ostara. Just a few lines and a picture... This led me down a research rabbit hole on what this magickal time is all about and the more I was reading, the more I felt it - deep, deep inside me. A small voice calling: "This is it! This is what you have been searching for!" I remember, that my body felt it way before my brain did. The next few days I felt so calm and relieved. A new path had opened for me, that explained all the things I was sure were true for me, but I didn't have words or even names for it. From this time on, I made it a purpose to study the different Pagan traditions, learn about crystal magick, divination, nature healing and the power of intention behind spells and rituals. And my learning is still ongoing - as I'm sure it will be until the end of my days.

How can you celebrate Ostara?

Today, many modern Pagans celebrate Ostara as a time of renewal, rebirth, and growth. It is a time to honor the changing of the seasons and the return of life to the earth after the long winter months.

Rituals during Ostara

  • Spring Cleaning: It's still the season to do a thorough cleaning of your home as a way to welcome in the new season and clear away any negative energy from the winter months.
  • Decorating Eggs: The egg is a symbol of fertility and new life, making it a popular decoration for Ostara. You can dye eggs with natural materials like onion skins or beet juice, or create intricate designs using paint or markers. Afterward, you can bless your egg with an intention and eat it.
  • Planting Seeds: This is a great time of year to start planting seeds for your herb garden or to simply plant some new houseplants. It's a way to connect with the earth and celebrate the new growth that is happening all around us.
  • Take a walk: Speaking of connecting to nature, a great ritual can be to go for a simple walk in nature, where you really notice all the little signs of spring. Maybe you want to bring a basket with you to collect a few blooming branches or daffodils. Be sure to always ask the tree or the Earth for permission before removing anything.
  • Make Hot Cross Buns: Not only a delicious treat, baking these buns will fill your home with the nicest smell and the small cross on top represents day and night of equal length. If you feel called, offer one of the buns to nature and the Fae outside by burying it or feeding it to the birds. The recipe for Hot Cross Buns can be downloaded here.
  • Be kind: While kindness obviously is a year round virtue to cultivate, Ostara is an especially gentle season, so think of small ways that you can show kindness to the world around you. Plant some seeds in public areas (make sure they are local species), offer the neighbor to trim the hedges, make your partner breakfast ... The opportunities are abundant, really.

How to decorate your altar (and house) during Ostara

When it comes to altar decorations for Ostara, there are many options to choose from. Some common themes include flowers, pastel colors, and symbols of fertility and growth. -

  • Use the eggs that you painted as an altar decoration
  • Make a small bouquet of spring flowers
  • Use a potted plant on your altar, care for it with lots of love and good words 
  • Rabbits are the symbol of fertility and perfect for Ostara, use little figurines or toys as decorations
  • Crystals to use around Ostara are: Carnelian (stability & protection); Tiger's Eye (relieve pent-up emotions); Apatite (increase of motivation); Clear Quartz (Gratitude, Cleansing)
  • As far as candles go for Ostara, you should use green, purple, yellow and pastel colored candles

In the end, it's really up to you and what speaks to your personal beliefs and practices. Personally, I love celebrating Ostara as a time to reconnect with the earth and honor the cycle of life. It's a reminder that even during the darkest of times, there is always the potential for new growth and transformation. Whether you choose to celebrate through a ritual, a simple act of kindness, or by spending time outside in nature, I hope this Ostara brings you joy, renewal, and a sense of peace.

Blessed Be.

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